Work Package 7


Reducing the environmental impact of the NMR infrastructure

Leader: Prof. Paola Turano

  • Optimizing Helium liquefier (UNIFI-CERM)
  • N2 extraction and recycling (UNIFI-CERM)
  • Solar power for the mitigation of CO2 emissions (UNIFI-CERM)

The existing helium recovery system of the scientific campus of the University of Florence consists of three principal subsequent steps and is capable of liquefying up to 40L/h. The helium gas is recovered in balloons at low pressure from the research instrumentations, then stored as compressed gas at 200 bar in cylinder boundless, and finally the stored helium gas is refrigerated and compressed by the liquefier machine. A limiting factor of the liquefying capacity is the time needed to compress the helium gas in the cylinder boundless at 200 bar. When the upgrade will be fully optimized, the system should enable to recover more than 80% of the helium used by CERM/CIRMMP NMR magnets and EPR cryostat and of that collected from other instrumentation at the scientific University campus. Additionally, the new setting will speed up the process by allowing the liquefier to produce about 25000 liters of liquefied helium/year.
A photovoltaic system with a power of 30 kWp will be installed on the flat roof of the CERM building. It will be sized to take advantage of the capturing surface on the roof by optimizing the spaces to limit interference with the instrumentation present on site. The photovoltaic panels will be installed towards the south (azimuth angle 0 °) to optimize solar capture.