About Us

Potentiating the Italian Capacity
for Structural Biology Services in Instruct-ERIC

About the Mission
ITACA.SB project is dedicated to enhancing the structural biology (SB) services offered by the Italian center of Instruct-ERIC, aiming to achieve three main objectives that focus on improving the quality and quantity of the Italian node CERM/CIRMMP’s exploitation by both Italian and European users. This initiative seeks to elevate the level of research in Life Sciences within Italy, enhance international visibility and competitiveness for EC funding, and address specific bottlenecks faced by Italian structural biologists in accessing Instruct-ERIC services.

Key Objectives
Enhance Domestic Utilization: Augment the CERM/CIRMMP’s use by Italian researchers to bolster top-level life sciences research in Italy. Boost European Utilization and Visibility: Increase the exploitation of CERM/CIRMMP by European users, thereby raising the international profile and recognition of Italian research. Address Access Bottlenecks: Assist Italian structural biologists in overcoming obstacles that limit their access to Instruct-ERIC services, focusing on sample preparation, biophysical characterization, and preliminary testing.

Project Ambition and Impact
ITACA.SB project aspires to solidify Italy’s role within Instruct-ERIC, offering high-end services to the European scientific community and promoting the broader utilization of Instruct-ERIC resources. By addressing critical bottlenecks and enhancing service capacity, the project supports Italian competitiveness in structural biology on both European and international stages. The initiative emphasizes synergy with other Research Infrastructures (RIs) across Health and Food domains, aiming to create a cohesive and collaborative research environment.

Maintain and enhance the Italian center of Instruct-ERIC global reputation in NMR service provision. Expand service capacity and efficiency in NMR and protein production at CERM/CIRMMP. Support and improve Italian competitiveness at European and international levels. Foster synergies with other RIs, especially in the Life Sciences domain.

Call for proposals MUR
n. 3264 in date 28/12/2021

Mission 4 – Education and Research Component 2: from research to business

Investment 3.1 Fund for the realisation of an integrated system of research and innovation infrastructures

Action 3.1.1 Creation of new research infrastructures, strengthening of existing ones and their networking for Scientific Excellence under Horizon Europe

RI : INSTRUCT-ERIC – Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure

ESFRI domain:  Heath and Food

RI at high priority

Funding Admission DD MUR n. 115 in date 21/06/2022

Starting Date: 1 November 2022

Duration of the project: 36 month

ID Proposal: IR0000009

CUP: B53C22001790006

Project number
Facilities involved
Duration of the project (months)
Work Packages





Project partner

Applicants and UOs
participating to the WP

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

Institute of Crystallography (IC) - Bari, Caserta, Catania
Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology (IBPM) - Roma
Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB) - Catania
Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) - Catania

Università degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI)

Magnetic Resonance Center (CERM)