Project Work Package 6


Training, outreach, and networking

Leader: Dr. Andrea Ilari

  • Training program organised by CERM. (UNIFI-CERM)
  • Training program organised by CNR. (CNR-IBPM-Roma and CNR-IC-Bari)
  • Outreach and Networking activities. (UNIFI-CERM)

The workpackage aims the organization of at least 5 training sessions with top level experts in the technologies implemented at CERM addressing the staff involved in WP1, WP2, WP3, and WP5, the organization of scientific missions of CERM/CIRMMP staff to major Infrastructure centres and/or internationally recognized Structural Biology RIs (Short: 3-4 weeks, Long: 2-3 months), the organization of 4 Training Courses addressing early stage researchers on the technologies implemented at CERM/CIRMMP, the coordination of the training activities in ITACA.SB with those organized within the Instruct-ERIC training program, the enrollment of 6 PhD students in the International Doctorate in Structural Biology of the University of Florence.
In addition, the work-package aims at the organization of scientific missions of CNR staff to major Infrastructure centres and/or internationally recognized Structural Biology RIs (Short: 3-4 weeks, Long: 2-3 months), the organization of 8 Training Courses addressing early stage researchers on the technologies implemented at various CNR facilities, the organization of 2 calls for Short-Term Internships and 2-calls for Long-Term Internship addressing early stage researches to Instruct-ERIC centres in Europe.
Moreover, 4 PhD students will be enrolled respectively at:
1)PhD school in Chemical and Molecular Sciences, University of Bari
2)PhD school in Biomolecular Sciences, University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”
Another aim of the work-package is expanding the use of ITACA.SB services to the broader structural biology and biological communities and establish/reinforce networks with other RIs of the Health and Food ESFRI domain.
The way in which the project aims to achieve this goal is:
1)organizing webinars as new services are implemented through WP1-WP5;
2)producing training material (videos for tutorials and tips and tricks on the use of the instruments);
3)producing web contents for each main technology implemented in ITACA.SB including scientific and technical information.